Scanning & Indexing :

Are you facing a problem of storing your documents filled in your file cabinets, cartons and rooms?

Reprographics India provides services with which you can convert paper documents in to digital images and retrieve the required images in few seconds With instant access to information, the services eliminate the headaches of cumbersome methods of document storage

Scanning and Indexing

Document Scanning is the process of using document imaging software and high-speed document scanners to convert an image of the paper to a digital picture. These electronic images can then be indexed and stored in a Document Storage System which gives the user the ability to search through millions of documents in a matter of moments.

Reprographics India: 604, Sidhartha Building, 96, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019 | Ph: +91-11-26424631/632, +91-11-46517047 | Fax: +91-11-46517048 | Email: